
How to Build a Stick Fort

March 15, 2013

how to make a stick fort www.pithandvigor.comToys that leave something to the imagination are hard to come by.   Even harder are those that actually aim to encourage your kids to go outside and make something original.  So when I stumbled across stick-lets I immediately pre-ordered a couple sets (they are already sold out and so you will have to wait until april to get your delivery).  I am pretty sure that my spring prunings will be put to good use with the aid of these clever do-dads that allow kids to make any sort of stick fort that they can imagine.

how to make a stick fort

All you have to do is twist and thread found sticks and twigs into the rubber grips – even child can do it  (oh yeah – they are for kids) to fashion whatever fort you can imagine.

how to make a stick fort

But am I the only one who is wondering what other garden function I might be able to use these for?  Maybe espalier-ing trees?  Or making growing frames?  Got any other ideas?  When I get mine I plan to play a little too — If I come up with some good ideas, I will let you know.

how to make a stick fort

images from stick-lets. 



  1. Alex says:

    What a clever invention. So simple yet so practical, my kids would love this. I could see many hours of entertainment building all manner of structures around the yard.

    Yes, I also agree that they would be suitable for other purposes as well. My plan is to use them in the garden to build frames when they are not used by the kids for building forts.

    Or, depending on the price, I could just buy an extra few to keep aside for various projects.

  2. beverly says:

    Alex where do you find the rubber grip that was used in the fort tee house

  3. beverly says:

    Alex where do you find the rubber grip that was used in the fort stick house

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