
Can You Identify This Plant?

June 19, 2013


I found this image over on  Little Yard.  But the site is in Japanese….and google translate isn’t a help.  I would love to know what it is…it makes a lovely container plant don’t you think.  Ideas?


image Little Yard

  1. Vvoiteck says:

    it’s craneberry – Oxycoccus palustris

  2. Rachelle says:

    Yes, edible cranberry, but I think the first commentor has the subgenus/species. It is same genus as blueberries.

  3. Sigute says:

    it’s Red Whortleberry plant 🙂

  4. Vvoiteck says:

    Whortleberry has bigger leaves, and berries grow in group

  5. What zone is it rated?

  6. Julie says:

    The name used to be vaccinium oxycoccos. It may have changed by now and grew as a native plant in bogs of southeast Alaska. Vaccinium vitis-idaea is a lovely little vaccinium with beefy green leaves and a ground creeper as well, and Linnaea borealis. They can be grown easily from rhizomes, but be cautious about taking native plants from the wild. A native plant society might be able to source some for you.

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