
Cheers to the NYC Manhattan Greenline Proposal

December 17, 2015

Could it really happen?  Will NYC really turn the forty city blocks that is the diagonal part of Broadway into a giant garden?

Please, please, please, Santa say it will be so.

nyC manhattan greenline proposed park via www.pithandvigor.commanhattan greenline project proposal via www.pithandvigor.comNYC is already my favorite place within 3 hours and 37 minutes of my front door (my best peddle-to-the-metal time so far!), and if it had the High Line, the Low line and this newly proposed Greenline, well, I might even be tempted to give up this distant outpost and just move in.

I read about this fantastic idea put forward by Perkins Eastman (an architecture firm in the city) on Fast Company this morning and before the news gets cold I want to fan the flames of a genius proposal so that hopefully it will spread like wildfire through the internet and everyone will be on board and next thing you know we will have ourselves a new 40-block park in NYC.

nyC manhattan greenline proposed park via

Just think how lovely the High line is – even though it is constantly and brutally crowded. Think about how this strip of peaceful green will slice through canyons of buildings and bustle.  And the storm water — maybe you remember this story about the No Park gardens?  Natalie Jeremijenko calculates how many No Park gardens are needed to eliminate the storm water runoff problem from Manhattan – I’d love to know the calculation on this.  If not the whole problem solved, I would surely think a significant dent could be made.

nyC manhattan greenline proposed park via

So, go read Adele Peters story here and then talk about it, spread the idea, cheer it on, do whatever you can do help build energy around this because I think we can all agree that a 40-block park in the center of Manhattan would be a glorious thing.

images from fast company




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