
Garden Requisites Plant Supports & Wall-Top Panels

January 7, 2011

I am obsessing over two items that I have found at the Garden Requisites – British website.  Once again, I am stuck wanting something that is only available ‘over there’.   Perhaps someone knows of a comparable version over here?

garden requisites bel trainer plant supportgarden requsites plant support

The first is the ridiculously handsome and I suspect even more useful than a flimsy tomato cage, wire plant supports (on the left — though the one on the right is quite cool too) .  I think that they quite attractively will allow me to create vertical accents in beds with climbing plants which often require more significant construction.

plant support from garden requsites

It might be important to mention that while these are quite pricey, the details and the construction appear to be top notch.

plant support garden requesites

Also, on my list is the wall toppers fence panels. I have a project where they would be the perfect solution for deterring wall hopping vandals. I’ve considered other options, but the wall is part retaining (on the down hill side) and simply a knee wall on the up hill side. However from the uphill side, a view over the wall to a dramatic landscape beyond needs to be maintained. See though and attractive. I think I might have a perfect solution.
wall top decorative fence panels

wall top fence panel garden requisites

  1. louise says:

    Here are some creative plant supports- not so sleek as the ones form garden requisites but good ideas…from the kitchen gardener magazine.

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