
The Farmer’s Market Blog Launch

So you have been looking at that link over there – the one that says farmers market blog –  on the right for months now and it didn’t go anywhere….but I am so happy to announce that now it does!

Let me me formally introduce you to my other little passions – The Harvard Farmers Market (my market) – and all things farmers market related.   The ‘farmer’s market blog’ is live now and if you click through, you will be introduced to not just all the great stuff going on in Harvard, MA at our Farmers Market, but to all things Farmers Market, locally grown food, eating local, cooking local and living closer to the earth.   It is meant to have great info for those of us near (who can attend the market) and far (who have shared interests).

So far the contributors are just me and my husband who help set it all up and my friend Leslie who is a graphic design wiz, but my market manager cohorts are soon going to be adding their own 2 cents to the discussion (as soon as I give them a wordpress tutorial).  So please join us,- we are a really fun group – over at the farmers market blog.

harvard farmers market poster

One of our launching posts is the unveiling of our collectible market poster for 2009.  Isn’t it cool? It was designed by Leslie and you can get one for yourself,  if you would like, over at the farmers market blog.

  1. Susan aka Miss R. says:

    Hey girl, did you see this a few weeks ago? I’m right with you!

  2. Hi Rochelle,

    I love the poster.

    Until your market opens, folks can get really great local stuff at our farmers market starting July 11th. On May 23rd (that’s this Sunday!) we’re having an early spring market day, with greens and seedlings, bread and jams and lots more. We’re in West Acton on Pearl St., so not too far from Harvard.

    Hope to see you there.


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