
Garden Gallery: Gilberto Elkins Brazilian Gardens

January 26, 2011

Gilberto Elkis Garden plant ladderbrazilian garden

It’s not cheetah!, like the Brazilian gardens of earlier this week, but it certainly has the same sense of eclectic charm don’t you think? These are a small sample of images from the portfolio of the famed Brazilian garden designer Gilberto Elkis.
gilberto Elkis Garden city brazil urban

I wonder when we will start seeing more green walls in commonplace of residential garden design.  As I look at these images I wonder if we will reach a point in time where we will see the ordinary fence regularly replaced with greener vertical barriers?  Certainly green backdrops have always been desirable in gardens – the use of hedging for this purpose is quite common.  But as green wall technology screams forward, will this become a commonplace hedge replacement?  Hedges have width requirements that green walls do not and the monoculture is boring compared to these vibrant mixes.  The thought is an interesting one and the design implications fascinating.  Do you agree, this is a trend for the future?

green wall gilberto elkis garden

Elkins relaxed style seems typical of the Brazilian way.  As I am exploring around the landscape of the garden design world in South America, I am fascinated by its general lack of the super sleek and shiny modernity that is often visible in the gardens of other cosmopolitan urban places.  I think I much prefer these more rustic versions that while modern, still have a beautiful element of earthiness.

gilberto elkis garden brazil

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  1. Laguna Dirt says:

    ” I think I much prefer these more rustic versions that while modern, still have a beautiful element of earthiness.” S.G.


  2. Laura W says:

    Great. Now I have to add Ladder Topiary Display to my list of garden ‘must haves.’

  3. Reuben Huffman says:

    I agree about green walls. They seem like a brilliant hedge/fence replacement. Do you know of any successful green wall projects outside in the Midwestern US? I’m at Dayton OH where we have rather brutal freeze/thaw action fall,winter, and spring- – wondering how these vertical gardens hold up in such weather.
    I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for all the pictures and articles, day after day.

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