It’s Friday and I am headed to Maine for a long weekend (so no posts) – but I am planning (weather permitting) to attend the Garden Conservancy’s open days in Sedgewick – so I hope to have lots to share on Monday/ Tuesday.
Anyway, here is my latest Can You Make This Into a Garden?

Alright, I want to have this girls clothes….I really love her sleek style.

When she arrives, this is generally the scene….with a beautiful hedgerow studio umbrella shading the welcome crew.
The table is set Mercury Glass Taper Candle holders from Copper Proper. Snake skin Melamine Plates and interesting dragon fly serving bowls from Vivre. Furniture from McKinnon and Harris (DuVAL Collection). Fur Blanket from Fabulous Furs.

Image of Orchid from Kriyayoga.
Classy and stylishly simple, I think this garden would be planted to be a generally white garden except that it would have a lot of texture and would shy away from being a frilly type of white garden opting instead to play with other colors that don’t come in flowers but rather in leaf textures of out of seasnon flowers.
This is my idea of the basis of this garden’s planting. Green, Luxurious, textural, and rich.
Palms, Peonies, Helebores, Carex comans ‘Bronze’, and purple heuchera.

1. white peony : 白ぼたん, 2. Heuchera #2, 3. Hellebore and Carex , 4. Banana palm

Image from Rustica.
Would you add anything? what would that be?
wonderful! I cannot think of a thing to add.
But came across this lovely image on Flickr I thought you all would enjoy.
Hope your trip to Maine was rejuvenating