
Top Five Most Profitable Plants in your Vegetable Garden

June 23, 2010

The most profitable plants in the vegetable garden also happen to be among the absolute easiest to grow?  An odd twist on economics for sure, but it is certainly interesting to learn how The Cheap Vegetable Gardener evolved the list of vegetables and their value per square foot.

cilantro blossom

Cilantro image by Roxanne (bobo3039)

By calculating/ looking up yields of various plants per square foot and secondly determining the value (organic supermarket prices in USD) of the yielded produce the most value per square foot is (in order):

1) cilantro

2) arugula – roquette

3) green salad mix

4) chives

5) dill

Without fail, these are some of the easiest veg to grow.   Oddly , plants that I personally have trouble with (and have mostly given up growing) are toward the bottom of the list: cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage.   I seem to be on the right side of economic scale how about you? Are you getting good value per square foot?

top five most valuable vegetable garden plants arugula dill mixed greens chives and cilantro

1. Make a Salad!, 2. Dill, 3. B U D S, 4. Mixed green

You can see the whole interesting list and how your favorite vegetables rate in value per square foot at The Cheap vegetable gardener.

  1. Sprout says:

    Do you think the current popularity of things like cilantro and mixed salad greens in restaurants and grocery stores is influenced by the high economic yields?

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