
Modern Landscape Masters : Lew French

I know of just a few artists that are living that create landscape art that I want to celebrate. I hope, through writing this blog, I will continually discover more. Lew French is one of them. I will be highlighting others in time. Lew is a stone mason whose creations make me stop and stare and the images of his work inspire me.
Lew French Sculpture
Lew french Landscape Art

  1. Frank Morris says:

    Miss Alison (Rochelle?),
    I send greetings from New Mexico. “The Beautiful Land of Entrapment”. Mr. French is an artist of the first water. A couple years back I was doing my own fireplace, first attempt at stone work. I knew zip from rocks, except they were heavy and they do really bad things to fingers unattended. I collected all the stone from the areas of the Gila NF, much of it on mine own back, I just bulled ahead. I knew what I wanted to produce , but didn’t know how to arrive at my mental result. Just a dummy in the dark. Its’ mud and rocks going straight up in the air for 13′. How tough can it be? Anyway, I got done. Of a Sunday Morning, two days after I had finished, the Sunday Morning peice ran. Im’ tellin’ ya! , I was bout excited as a puppy! I could have rolled over on my back and just …piddled! What a magnifcent mad man. Take one look at the work and you can tell. Theres shit wrong with that guy! And, I got close.
    I looked at all his works, I keep threatening to buy his book, but when we get into town, I alway forget. Well finnally, I bucked up the nut to contact him. I sent some shots of the work , along with a fan note that I pray did not gush. Never did hear back.
    So what does all this mean? Well it means this is just your’ lucky day!
    I would very much take it as a favor if you would email with you address . In return I will send these shots. if you think it worthwhile would you forward them to Mr. French.
    Thank you in advance,
    Frank Morris
    Mimbres N.M.

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