
50 Natives: Hawaii: Barack Obama and the Koa Acacia

October 28, 2008

I find Barack Obama to be dominant, ambitious, and outgoing. The Koa Acacia was once the same in Hawaii. Historically used for canoe making, it’s prevalence in Hawaiian forests allowed people to go somewhere, and move forward.

The Koa, like Obama, is unique in so many ways. It is earnest, as it is the fastest growing tree from the islands. It’s beautiful skin is a combination of colors, light and dark with a little red. It also sounds good to many people –the Koa is used to make prized musical instruments.

Obama has been both praised and criticized for his ability to change and be adaptable. The Koa likewise, is remarkable in its ability to transition for the better; as it matures the early compound leaves smooth out to form a thick sickle-shape that allows sunlight to pass to lower levels of the tree.

Koa forests are exciting as they are becoming rarer and rarer even though they have an amazing ability to germinate and grow most anywhere. Youthful plants are able to recolonize wasted land and transition it back to something more desirable.

Barack Obama and Acaia Koa

1. Acacia koa, 2. Mighty Koa, 3. Koa 3, 4. Undead Koa, 5. Koa, 6. barak-obama, 7. Barak Obama St. Louis Rally, 8. Koa Tree, 9. Cor Koa!, 10. Koa in Fog, 11. Koa forest, 12. koa

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