
White House Kitchen Garden

November 4, 2008

Behind Thanksgiving, Nov 4th (every 4th year) is my second favorite holiday. I am one of those people who likes to rearrange the furniture as often as my husband will put up with and election day gives me the same satisfaction. A clean sweep, a referendum on all kinds of issues, cleaning out the old and making way for new and interesting, finding better homes for old favorites and bidding a final farewell to things that just never worked.
It is so exciting and election night kicks off the fun. I will have the TV on all night (I mean right through to the am) and I will be on the phone, texting and emailing with friends across the world, comparing notes and directing each other to change to another channel…Will we be instructed by Dan Rather to go get the kids out of bed again? Will it be over at 7:05pm or will it extend for weeks? …ooh I just can’t wait! In the mean time, if you are going to be in NH maybe I will see you there, my daughter and I are ‘driving for change’ and will be helping get out the vote this afternoon.

I found this today…perfect! Eat the view is calling for the next president to plant a Kitchen garden on the white house lawn. It is a fantastic idea…but it must look good. This is the White House after all. But kitchen gardens can be so beautiful and I intend to prove it…so we are adding a new section all about potagers….ideas, products, tools, seeds etc. for the best and most beautiful kitchen gardens. So watch this space, but in the mean time show your support to Eat the view and go vote!!!!.

Eat the view!

  1. ErvinTW says:

    Thanks! Nice post.

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