
Wood Stack Art

November 19, 2008

It’s the season to prepare for winter and here in New England, wood stacking can be an art.
I am so inspired by Alastair Heseltine’s Fallen tree:
Alastair Hesletine Fallen Tree Wood Stack

Here is a great wood stacking tool available through
Woodstock wood stacking tool
I love that it can be loaded up, brought inside, and it will still look great.

  1. arythrina says:

    That tree sculpture is phenomenal, thanks for posting it!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE That fallen tree. that is a lot of wood too. you could definitely get through a few winters.

  3. Starr Turner says:

    That is the most amazing woodpile. Such a creative idea. Makes me wish my fireplace hadn’t been modernized to gas (of course, I wish that anyway.)

  4. Hilary says:

    I absolutly love that tree, I don’t think I ever would have the patience to build that, but love the creativity. I would have a hard time taking it apart to burn through the winter months.

  5. Outdoor Art says:

    Come to see our contemporary American art collection. Outdoor Art

  6. Steve says:

    That is the most creative woodpile! Trouble is, who would want to burn any wood if it was busy being art.

  7. firewood says:

    that stack of firewood is amazing. must of took some amount of time to build.

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