
My Curiosities Bathroom

January 15, 2009

My Bathroom makeover is featured on Design*Sponge today.  I am so excited and flattered.  Already there are lots of questions about the prints on our wall above the toilet.   Here is where I downloaded the images.  It is all in French but these particular prints are under the ‘ANATOMIE’ Group.   I downloaded them and printed them on watercolor paper from Staples in my design office on the large scale plotter (but it could easily be done at a print shop for little money).

But I want to share with you what we really want to hang up there…which will hopefully fit better…it is my husband’s idea not mine, but I think it is cool.  It is kind of the kids bathroom, so the curiosities thing seems interesting to me and well received by them….

Insect Wall art from Evolution

Insect Wall art from Evolution

Insect Wall art from Evolution

These are actual taxidermy bugs…big ones…..He got the idea while on a business trip to NYC when he visited a great shop in the Village called Evolution.

  1. kiljoywashere says:

    They have similar curiosities at Nova Zembla in Brooklyn. I love them!

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