So my little design firm (Greayer Design Associates) is based here in New England just outside of Boston, but in compiling a list of Boston landscape design resources, I would be completely remiss if I didn’t mention some of the other great design businesses in the area. I am a firm believer that like there is a partner for everyone, a home for everyone, there is a designer for everyone. Client- designer relationships, particularly in residential work, are so important, and if it isn’t a good match it will be torture for everyone. It takes some time and maturity in the business, I think, to be able to see this truth and actually say to a potential client that perhaps this isn’t a good match. But being able to say…”Maybe you should call…. they can do a really great job” is a good karma way of building a business that I rely on.
Anyway, my company does great work, (here a few samples) but there are some other really great garden design teams in the Boston area; people that I really admire and who really excel in particular areas. Here is some their best too.
Gregory Lombardi – I think if I were to hire some one other than myself for my (imaginary) city garden, it would be Greg. His work is luxurious, and classic, always well executed and refined.
C2 Studio – C2 is so talented. They have the ability to pare that I do not. If you are interested in modern uncluttered but challenging and interesting designs, they are who you seek.
Zen Associates is Asian inspired but never theme-y. Zen is who I would hire for my current property, they have an absolute mastery of refining nature just enough to celebrate it but not so much that it seems overly contrived or cultivated. I think this style would be perfect for the rustic woodsy setting of my current home.
Hey there. Great Blog. I would agree that these firms are great. Have you ever heard of us at Foliaire? We’ve been doing green roofs and roof gardens in Boston for thirty years. What do you thing of our stuff? Take care Matt