The 2009 season is starting to gear up, so I thought it would be interesting to re-visit the 2009 garden trend predictions from the Garden Media Group and make a few suggestions for each. There are 11 trends and I am going to break them out into 11 posts making product and ideas suggestions for each one. Here are the trends in a quick reverse order.
11. Bubbling.
10. Worldly.
9. Global colors.
8. Quick and simple.
7. Info lust.
6. Bringing the outside in.
5. Water in/water out.
4. Locavore.
3. Blended gardens.
2. Grow it yourself.
1. Eco-boosting.
These are a little vague in their description, so with each post I will talk a bit about the trend and make some suggestions for products and design ideas related to each. First up –
Eco Boosting is In. Conspicuous Consumption is Out.
From hybrid cars to canvas shopping bags, we are all doing our part to end conspicuous consumption and boost Eco-friendly living. To become more Eco in the garden, start with focusing on habitats for butterflies, bees, and wildlife. Also, say no to ‘garden‘ drugs and instead look for alternative ways to feed and protect your plants. Also, be aware of what is ‘in’ things. Take mulch for example, much of it is artificially colored and doesn’t break down as it should. Good mulch will protect and eventually feed your plants, bad mulch will sit for ever and eventually choke your plants. I personally love Coast of Maine soils and mulches. Their mulch is aged and is naturally dark colored and the soil (my favorite being the Penobscot blend) is so dark and luscious with beautiful white shells specked throughout, you will understand why your plants will be happy to eat it up.
Photo credit: Butterfly Gardens, Victoria B.C. by Brian Bowrin
Bees are on the decline but you can help to create a habitat for them. If you want to go all out and have bees to harvest honey, you can find a list of suppliers for Beekeeping Supplies here. Also, a beekeeping friend recommend these books: Beekeeping for Dummies and Beekeeping: A Practical Guide
If you want to be a little less serious and just provide a nice home, Crocus offers a great line of bee nesting options that will surely be making their way to the US soon.
Look for eco-friendly plants like the line of native plants from American Beauties® or The Knock Out® Family of Roses , which are drought and disease resistant, and require little care or chemicals.
And to leave you today…here is a pretty collection of knockout roses…
1. A Knockout, 2. Pink Knock Out Rose, 3. Fresh Picked Knock Out Roses from the Garden, 4. last of the knock-out roses, 5. “Rainbow Knock Out” Rose, 6. Knock Out Rose, 7. Knock Out, 8. A “Knock-Out Rose”, 9. Double Knock Out Rose
Coming up tomorrow, Grow it yourself.