
Greg Yale Lighting

February 24, 2009

Greg Yale Illumination has recently launched a new website featuring all of their amazing work.  Not only is their work stunning and inspirational, the website is a great design and a good a way to spend at least 15 minutes flipping through well organized pictures.  As lighting designers go, this is a firm that is at the top of their game.   These are some of my favorites.

Greg Yale outdoor lighting design

This makes me think of Santa Fe or some place where outdoor restaurants are feasible year round…this would be an excellent entrance.

Greg Yale outdoor lighting design

I know the holidays are over, but this is lighting that I think would look great year round.

Greg Yale outdoor lighting design

If I were sitting under this tree, I think I might feel like a visit from my fairy godmother was imminent…

  1. Andrew says:

    Hi Rochelle – Saw you in passing on the Underground and have been enjoying the photos you post here. Written content is great and all, but I don’t often have time to do more than skim many of the garden blogs I read, and you know what they say about a picture! Good luck with your redesign, I’ll look forward to seeing it.

  2. rochelle says:

    thanks….I have an editorial standard about the the photos on this site (an wont’ post about something unless I have got good photos)…to me, photography is a large part of what makes the site interesting…it’s nice to hear that someone else noticed that effort.

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