
Reviving the Ancient Art of Pebble Mosaics

February 19, 2009

Pebble Mosaics are garden art that like shell mosaics, celebrate natural materials that may be locally available.  I love the idea making a garden ‘carpet’ from time collected stones.  This one was made by Jeffery Bale for this article in Fine Gardening.

Jeffery bale persian carpet garden pebble mosaic

He also made this terrific path

jeffery bale mosiac path via

Maggy Howarth is considered the modern day master of this art form and you can learn some of her techniques from one of her books (The Complete Pebble Mosaic Handbook
and The Art of Pebble Mosaics) or she also is offering workshops and DVD’s at her website.

Here in New England, Pietre Dure Design creates beautiful pieces for the garden.  Deb Aldo is one of few people locally who trained under Maggy Howarth.   Here are a few of her beautiful pieces to further inspire you. 

Pebble Mosaics by Pietre Dure Design

  1. Sunita says:

    This is beautiful! And a lot of hard work, I’m sure. Do the pebbles go directly into the mud or is there some kind of base? I guess I should go over to her website and try to find out.

  2. rochelle says:

    sunita…I am not sure how to do this…but I am all inspired as well…I think I need to follow you over to see how to construct for myself….

  3. Deb Aldo says:

    I have looked at your blog lots of times and missed the above comments.
    I have a process explanation that I can forward to you and will be putting it on my new website which is being updated over the next month. I am also teaching classes if anyone is interested in learning how to do this technique-
    At Mosaic Smalti studio on Cape Cod. Spots are limited, classes are small, the studio is gorgeous, close to beaches and shopping and great places to eat! Casses are June 12-14 and July 10-12.
    Also teaching at RISD CE -on how to create an Architectural Installation, coming in fall for Jrs and for adults this winter.
    Can fill you in on more details if you think there may be some interest in others learning how to do this and it will be posted on my website as well.
    Best, Deb

  4. Philip Jensen-Carter says:

    Recently photographed a beautiful free form stone mosaic in Connecticut and want to create my own in New Paltz….theirs seemed to be set in stone dust as a base and maybe a mixture of the same and sand on top…will this work, if I have the combination correct or must the stones be placed in a cement mixture first….psyched to make this happen…starting to collect stones here and there…..HELP !!!!!

  5. Patricia Fitzpatrick says:

    How do I get some instructions how to make my Pebble Mosaic Art?

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