
Some new favorite Blogs (making up for the last month of weekly blogs)

I wanted to share a couple of my new favorites with you.  I am adding them to the blog roll over there on the bottom left,  but they have been such an inspiration to me lately, that I wanted to give them all a special mention.

I generally have a bit of a tough time reading blogs that are about someones individual garden, I just have a short attention span and need something else — which is why I am really enjoying Jodi at Blooming writer — with recent posts like – ‘Oh Winter, I wish I could just quit you…’  and Guess who’s coming to Supper/Dinner/Lunch/Not-Lunch – Jodi’s humor is getting me through to spring. She also has some nice shots of her house flowers (like this one).

Green mums by jodi delong

I have also discovered a new crop of slightly more ‘heavy’ Landscape Architecture blogs…all of which are quite cerebral – definitely more directed to the urban planning, large scale Landscape Architectural, city planning type projects and interests, but they are all great food for thought with interesting concepts and topics…. check them all out. Alexander Trevi writes Pruned. Jason King writes Landscape+Urbanism and Adam Anderson writes Design Under Sky.

  1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Yours is beautiful and I am particularly inspired by this image – she’s an amazing photographer.

  2. Thanks for the shoutout, Rochelle. I can tell you have a huge variety of inspirations and interests, and I’m touched that you enjoyed visiting bloomingwriter. Come back any time, and keep on writing. 🙂

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