
Quel Object?

April 29, 2009

Look what I found! Paul Smith Stripes for all my beach gear!…Do you think I can rock them all?

quel object striped deck chair beach chair beach shoes and bag

Yeah, Me neither…thankfully I won’t be tempted since the chair is sold out, but the chair comes in other patterns that are still available. Oh and they are calling those shoes razzeteurs (and these are the sizzle stripes). You can find all of them at Quel Object.

Seriously though…I am having a little get together on Friday — first garden happy hour of the season….I have no time to get these for the gathering, but all of it would be perfect for the next one…don’t you think? I would put Lemonade, Limeade, and Pink Lemonade in each of the Carafe’s (for the kids) — and maybe a sangria or margaritas in the wicker one. Ahhh…I am so glad summer is here (but I have no idea what happened to spring?).
quel object carafes candle holders honel and garden accessories french

The candle tower or two in the corners of my patio for ambiance, the hurricanes on the picnic tables and the honey…well I would buy that because we go through like a gallon of honey in a month in my house….and while I prefer to buy from Fred Farmer (yes that is his name) –my local apiarist — I would get a couple of these just so I can re-use the pretty containers and fill them with citronella candles or something.

  1. Megan says:

    I think those shoes are adorable.

  2. Sheila H says:

    I, too, love using candles in my garden and patio while entertaining. It’s still too cold here in Minnesota to start entertaining and I can hardly stand it. I love eating outdoors! You might want to check out these drink dispensers by Pottery Barn – aren’t they cool! They are a little spendy especially for acrylic so I’m waiting for them to go on sale.

    BTW – I checked your “Can you make this into a Garden?” I absolutely love it! I think you should do a book on it!

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