
Dandelion Wine

My Lawn Mower is still in the shop getting it’s annual tune-up. It won’t be back until at least next week. Meanwhile I am considering mixing my metaphors. Make hay while the Sun Shines…. When life gives you Lemons make lemonade.   Should it be When you lawn mower is gone make dandelion Wine.…not quite as catchy as the originals, maybe you can improve on it.

Dandelion wine, have you tried it…is it worth the effort? I am thinking of using this recipe.

dandelions in a bowl dandelion wine

1. dandelions in bowl 6

  1. Courtney says:

    How fun! I’ve never heard of dandelion wine, though I have had dandelion tea. I think I’m going to have to give this a try this summer.

  2. Cherry says:

    I’ve never heard of dandelion wine either let us know how it taste.

  3. Wow, I’ve never heard of it but that’s the coolest thing ever! Did you do it?

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