
Dandelion Wine Update:

M*, I* and I picked 2 large colanders full of dandelions yesterday afternoon between our yard and the orchard across the street.   We have boiled them in the large porcelain enamel pot and they are now steeping for 2 days until the next step.  Do you know if porcelain enamel is the same as glass or ceramic?  I am concerned because my recipe strictly states “glass or ceramic, Not Metal” Which side of this fence does a porcelain enameled (metal) pot lie?  It is the only thing I have big enough to hold 3 gallons of boiling water and 24 cups of dandelion heads.  It’s purpose is for making jelly…I hope I haven’t ruined it already.   Will keep you posted on the results.  Next step takes place Friday afternoon.
1. Dandelion Wine

  1. Helen says:

    I have vivid memories of my parents making dandelion (and cowslip) wines when we lived in England. I was just a wee thing then, but big enough to pick the flowers. They made their wine in large, glazed earthenware crocks. I’d have to reach all the way upward to put my hand on top of the cheesecloth draped over crocks (and then of course I licked my hand). That must have been a heck of a crock.

    I have no firm knowledge that would solve your dilemma, but I suspect the enameling will protect the stew from the metal.

    Good luck with your project.

  2. Sharalee says:

    Lovely – so beautiful for spring – I always love this time of year when all the happy, sunny dandelions are out!

    PS thanks so much for stopping by my blog! – it’s under a little renovation right now, hopefully will be done today or tomorrow but I will be sure to add you to the blogroll! 🙂

  3. frill.friend says:

    Porcelain is a type of ceramic/pottery that contains a large amount of silica/glass. It is enameled onto the metal by the use of extremely high heat (thousands of degrees …. using a kiln). It probably was developed “ages” ago for the same use because there are a lot of foods that will react with metal and change/spoil the flavor. BTW … the same process is used to make jewelry … like copper enamel and silver enamel … and porcelain is also used to make china.PS … There are a lot of references and sources to “google” to learn more about clay and metals.

  4. Bailey says:

    Over time, metals and acids can react and create funky flavors. The recipe doesn’t object to the use of metal in general, the goal is just to not have it in direct contact with the mixture. As long as the metal pot is completely coated (no cracks or chips) you should be just fine.

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