
Newspaper Flyer / FlowerBox Urban Garden Planters

June 3, 2009

What do you think of street art? I am all for it. It appeals to me on many levels…it is unique, subversive, eye-opening, competitive, mysterious, political, and often beautiful. But as I heard a good 2-sided story on NPR a couple months back about the local arrest of Shepard Fairey I can certainly see both sides of the controversial art. Writers (that’s street (aren’t I cool?) for graffiti artists – you can find a great graffiti lingo dictionary here) are tremendous artists as are the practitioners of other street art. As I was listening to the Shepard Fairey story, Shepard was talking about how he has placed his Obey stickers on street surfaces all over the world. I now look for them wherever I go and am amused when I find one. But I get how annoying they might be if I were a property manager charged with keeping a property to a certain corporate level of present-ability.  what do you think of Street Art?
I recently came across another street artist – Posterchild – who is creating street art in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

flyerbox flower box street art planting in alternative container gardening
I find his own words for why he does what he does compelling. –  “Authority over the visual landscapes of our cities has been placed out of reach to the very people who live in them. In my gentle way, I am simply connecting to my surroundings, and in this manner I also reclaim that which has been denied to me.
Posterchild Engages in other street art, but the FlyerFlowerbox installations are my favorite (for obvious reasons). I wonder what the guy who is charged with re-filling the box with flyers will do when he comes around and is faced with destroying this. I think a hidden camera would be quite interesting.
flyer box flower box toronto canada alternative container gardening urban garden
posterchild flower box flyerbox urban street art container gardening

  1. janet says:

    Oh how cool!

  2. Sprout says:

    OK, you know I love, love love this! I so need to do this, but I rather imagine Worcester has outlawed newspaper boxes along with street vendors and buskers.

  3. Heather says:

    What a neat idea! Love it!

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