
Future Gardens 2009

June 12, 2009

I love that the British public supports projects such as Future Gardens and the now defunct Westonbirt Festival of Gardens enough to make them at least viable for a few years.   Both shows were based in the idea that designers who are constrained by budget, sponsorships and established notions of what show gardens should be are not able to be truly creative and explore the boundaries of design and move thinking forward into new frontiers.   Westonbirt was the first, and was an interesting show, in that it required that gardens remained intact for a series of months so that the displays could change with the seasons as well as show a more real side of design.  The side that show gardens often miss…while beautiful, they are often not realistic or entirely practical in the real world.  Additionally, the fixed construction budget (provided to designers by the organizers) was enforced. I have not visited Future Gardens but through reading blogs and viewing the designers pictures I have pulled together some of my favorites for you.

First up is a garden titled ‘Nest’ by Jane Hudson and Erik DeMaeijer .

Nest garden for by Jane hudson and erik demaeijer future gardens

Nest garden for by Jane hudson and erik demaeijer future gardens
Image from Hallenga and Bugg landscape Design.

nest garden jane hudson future gardens willow structure
Image from Baklava Shed Coalition

I am once again taken with the willow structures and mixing it with the wooden eggs and the oak plank decking is simply stunning.

Next up is Narratives of Nature by Hallenga and Bugg.

Hallenga and Bugg garden future gardens
Image from Baklava Shed Coalition

hallanga and bugg narrative on nature garden for future garden

alt=Hallenga and Bugg garden future gardens

I am so enamored with log walls — I am in the process of building some at my own home with some of our tree debris from the ice storm. Making lemonade from lemons….but notice that mulch….it is walnut shells. Beautiful.

And finally, From Tony Heywood and Conceptual Gardens, the imaginative and colorful Anthroscape 3.

anthroscape 3 by tony heywood for future gardens
Image from Hallenga and Bugg landscape Design.

from were going to need a bigger pot tony heywood conceptual garden
image from We’re going to Need a Bigger Pot.

Oh– and as We’re going to need a Bigger Pot points out, that rubble is anthracite which is a more metamorphosed coal – another not so common but interesting garden material.

I am feeling particularly inspired by these, are you?

  1. Hi Rochelle,
    I’m feeling inspired, all right. The log walls are fantastic, love the texture and the cut-outs.

    “Always something unique to see at Studio G!”

    (go ahead and use my rhyme!)
    Shirley Bovshow

  2. Sprout says:

    We saw some cool show gardens in old Montreal in 2006 that I would love to revisit, but I can’t find any info about it any where after 2007. Do show gardens just come and go like that?

    Know anyplace within a reasonable radius of Central Mass that has cool and edgy gardens this summer? I’m still trying to decide what I want to do on vacation in 3 weeks!

  3. Kate Wiseman says:

    I love the organic feeling of many of the designs. Something about wood cut on the round like that reminds me of a hobbit hole. Maybe the round window?


  4. louise garwood says:

    Love the Hallenga and Bugg work. As Kate notes: the biomorphic forms and use of found materials are great.
    Check out this project in japan- Biopod home- dont you think the shape does amazing things with the surrounding landscape?

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