
Woolly Wall Planters

June 10, 2009

Vertical gardens are definitely trendy don’t you think?  Flora Grubb certainly gets us all excited with her beautiful framed art work created from plants and Patrick Blanc, with his giant gardens on the sides of city buildings, blows me away.   And now there are many followers.  Making it easier for the average person with an average budget, to create a similar look, Woolly Pockets are an interesting option.

woolly planters container gardens for the wall
Woolly Wall Planters are lined with an impermeable moisture barrier on the back and bottom to protect the wall or floor. Designed to hang on the wall, the pockets provide an easy way to create a dramatic indoor or outdoor garden.

wall garden verticle garden woolly planters containers

vertical garden woolly walls planter container garden

The website is full of inspiring pictures. Maybe you want to lie around naked in a room full of planters too?

woolly planters container gardens

woolly planters container gardens
found via paridis express

  1. Sheila H says:

    OMG! What a shock to scroll down! Sure woke me up! What a riot! Interesting marketing concept!

  2. louise garwood says:

    Love it!

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