
Gerard Gay’s Luxury Pools

July 17, 2009

I have been trying to pull together another fashion inspired garden…and then really I need to step away from the computer…..but… when Dana – my favorite Italian Garden Designer-Blogger commented on my last post about Natural Pools, and mentioned Gerard Gay’s pools (new to me),  I was simply blown away by his work…and need to share it with you right away.  So As quick as I can, let me introduce you….I am so inspired.  (a new ‘can you make this into a garden?’ to come later this weekend or next week)

French and beyond cool….Pools designed by Gerard Gay are unique and instantly recognizable.  He uses concrete to create the naturally shaped pools, and then covers it with a fine sand that create a beautiful, natural looking and comfortable surface.

natural swimming pools by gerard gay

Take a visit to his site…I really enjoyed (though all in french) the Spa video….I am assuming he designed the earthy garden based spa that is featured….and it really is stunning!

  1. Ann Marie says:

    these are all spectacular! i’ve got to show them to my husband. happy weekend.

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