
I Have a New Crush

July 31, 2009

What is is with men who can design beautiful interesting and inspiring gardens?….first it was Diarmuid Gavin…then James Wong… and now Brendan Moar.  Brendan Moar is the totally beautiful designer and host of Dry Spell Gardens, an Australian garden makeover show that builds stunning, imaginative gardens that are water wise and earth friendly.  HGTV, can you please air this show?

Here is just one of the transformations…in this episode, Brendan helps the homeowners choose the right rain barrel for their needs as well as install a grey water capture system for their home.  Do I need to say it again? HGTV, can you please air this show?

brendan moar water wise garden dry spell gardens australia australian

The Dry Spell Garden website is overflowing with before and after images from amazing gardens that Brendan has created.   I tweeted every HGTV person I could find to tell them that I thought they should get this show here in the USA.  Maybe you can too…or if you know of another way to get in touch, I really feel it so important to improve the quality of programming for gardens in the USA Don’t you ?  I am brainstorming other channels that I can contact and make suggestions to….so far I have Discovery, Fine Living, and the green channel (that I can’t remember the name of right now)  any others you can think of?

Here is the remarkable after….
brendan moar australian garden designer dry spell gardens water wise garden rain barrel garden residential grey water catch system

…and here is the remarkable Brendan… and you know he has an accent.

brendan moar australian garden designer

  1. invisiblebees says:

    American gardening “celebs” — male and female — are never so damn cool looking. I know, I know — karmically, it comes down to what you know, not how you look. But, I can’t help but think if we had down to earth and (I’ll say it) sexy gardening experts, gardening wouldn’t just be the #1 hobby in America, we might truly makeover our gardens, our “sub-divisions” and subsequently the satisfaction level in our lives. Hell, with the right expert and gardening personality, we might even be able to retrain people about what “landscaping” really is, put an end to shrub shearing and lawnmower blight, even put fearsome HOA landscaping restrictions out of business.

  2. Alice Joyce says:

    I’m voting for locating a Daniel Craig look-alike who happens to be a talented designer and horticulturist. Perhaps we could take on the role of make-over garden show producers in our ‘free time’ …
    I”ve tried to control my tweets referring to Craig, but… an obsession IS an obsession.
    Brendan Moar? He gets my vote, as well!
    aka Bay Area Tendrils Garden Travel

  3. Gorgeous! And the gardens not bad either.

  4. louise garwood says:

    you guys are BAAD!
    I love the ephemeral quality of this guys design materials though- its like he knows this is not a place that will be around in 50 years (or one hundred) but lets create usable and fun and affordable space for the people who live here now to gather, eat, play and enjoy! Sweet.
    And I love that it is not all ‘shrubbed up’,too! Good going Mr. Moar!

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