
Daily Garden 060: Malibu, CA by Cao & Perot

August 10, 2009

The refrain, ‘Make do with what you have’,  is, in lean times is a reality forced upon many.  I am inspired by design that takes the mundane, ordinary, easily found and possibly reused, and makes something extra ordinary. While clearly not dealing with clients who are having lean times, Andy Cao and Xavier Perot are an exciting duo who like to use unexpected materials in the landscape.  In this case, they have created a ‘cloud’ for this residential garden from what appears to be chicken wire.

The cloud has a beautiful handmade look that compliments the sharp modern lines of the house and other parts of the garden. The cloud is home to a popular and trendy plant tillandsia, pretty lighting and what appears to be sparkly glass

andy cao and xavier perot malibu garden chicken wire cloud modern garden

The cloud has a beautiful handmade look that compliments the sharp modern lines of the house and other parts of the garden. The cloud is home to a popular and trendy plant tillandsia, pretty lighting and what appears to be sparkly glass baubles.

andy cao and xavier perot malibu garden chicken wire cloud modern garden

andy cao and xavier perot malibu garden chicken wire cloud modern garden

andy cao and xavier perot malibu garden chicken wire cloud modern garden

cao and perrot modern garden design malibu california

andy cao and xavier perot malibu garden chicken wire cloud modern garden by night

andy cao and xavier perot malibu garden chicken wire cloud modern garden

  1. Susan aka Miss R. says:

    Andy Cao is one of the most engaging and creative designers working today. His Jardin des Hesperides a few years at Redford/Metis was evocative, romantic and rooted in cultural traditions while being modern and experimental. 1/2 of Cao |Perot I had the opportunity to hear him speak and to talk to him afterwords in NY a couple of years ago. Inspiring to say the least.

  2. michelle d. says:

    I’ve been a fan of Andy Cao’s work for years (especially loved his red room that he did at the Rome Academy ).
    This particular sculpture is not really doing it completely for me. It seems disjointed , relationless, and the execution of the cloud is lacking in craftsmanship.
    I guess we all have our hits and misses. This one is sort of a miss for me.
    But I do like his angular undulating landform, it’s the cloud that’s not bringing a silver lining for me.

  3. dana says:

    F A N T A S T I C O !!!!
    mi piace da morireeeeeee
    grazie Rochelle
    ciao Dana

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