
Floral Fence Fabric for a Quick Garden Fix

August 19, 2009

I am feeling a little harried and overwhelmed today (in addition to my normal craziness, the opening weekend of my farmers market is Saturday and insanely I also decided to invite about 30 people over for a party at my house on Saturday night….I am not sure why I do these things….)

Anyway, in the mood I am in today (which is, get it done now!…fast and furious!),  all things easy and quick are appealing,  and so goes fence fabric. Have an ugly fall down disaster that you need to deal with quickly?  Try fence fabric, makes even the more hideous of chain link messes tolerable for a while until you plant a real garden.

Here are few before and afters so you can see what I am talking about.


garden fence makeover before and after fabric fence


garden fence makeover before and after fabric fence


garden fence makeover before and after fabric fence


garden fence makeover before and after fabric fence


garden fence makeover before and after fabric fence


garden fence makeover before and after fabric fence

  1. Ann Marie says:

    i get such a kick out of the things you find. 🙂

  2. louise garwood says:

    Fine for a season, doncha think?
    Rochelle, ‘wicked’ Multi tasking can be a great rush so enjoy the moment while you chase around because it will soon be over and hum drumish again- though maybe not with the sun finally shining and folks (potential clients??) are realizing summers here and make hay etc, etc.
    Hope the biz is better for ya AFTER your party.

  3. Susan aka Miss R. says:

    Hmmm. Have been thinking about using large scale photos in a garden, but this wasn’t the idea.

  4. how it grows says:

    Could be very interesting in the right spot. I wonder if they do custom prints?

  5. Emma Day says:

    nooooo – I don’t like!

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