
A Couple of Cool Vertical Garden Prototypes: Available Soon

September 8, 2009

It is a huge trend in gardening. For generations, plants were placed in soil on the ground or in a pot. Period. But now, gardening in places you would never have considered before is transforming architecture and our cities. Planting on walls, roofs, on floating islands, and where ever you can think of is such a hot product development area. It is inspiring and the plethora of new ideas is exciting. Over at The Daily Green I recently read about these two interesting (soon to be available) prototype designs.

wall mounted garden light planter recycled

Image and Text from The Daily Green:

“Live Light is a plant mural prototype created by Rogers Design Group and Evo Design. They have incorporated science, ecology and aesthetics here, creating recycled resin boxes that function as indoor gardens, as well as a source of light and art. The final pieces, once they are ready to be sold, should be able to be attached to any wall, leaving you no excuse for living without a garden.”

I am imagining so many interesting designs with these. Rows and rows in different colors or perhaps a single sleek line along a path. What would you do with them?

Take a look at these bricks.  Wow, so Gaudi-esque, don’t’ you think?. I can’t wait to see a building with a curtain wall using them!


Image and Text from The Daily Green:

“Planter Bricks are bricks with small containers built on the outer edges that can hold plants and vegetation. According to Exit Gallery, “The planter brick curtain wall is designed to combine traditional masonry units with units that can hold plants and vegetation.” The concept is an interesting one – you can take an old, traditionally built building, retrofit it with a frame and attach a Planter Brick curtain filled with small plants. And like that, a curtain of green is covering your building. The retrofit frame also consists of a drip irrigation line built into the wall. This photo shows an artist’s rendering of a building with a wall of Planter Bricks, and below is a small Planter Brick.”

Designed by: Rael San Fratello Architects

  1. how it grows says:

    I’m not crazy about the plant/lights but the bricks are interesting.

  2. georges alam says:

    nice ideas this could help for global warming .
    & it’s easy to do every where .
    we also like to see athor ideas .

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