
A Fabulous Garden Design Destination Hotel in Austin Texas: Hotel St. Cecilia

September 7, 2009

The Hotel St. Cecelia in Austin, Texas has recieved some pretty good press for its design since opening last year. Happily when I stumbled upon it and started snooping around via the internet, I learned that the exciting design isn’t just inside. Mark Ward and his landscape design team did a good job on the exterior too. The style is completely eclectic, and there many things to be inspired by.

hotel st cecilia garden design hotel austin texas

Image by Carolina Eclectic

I am thinking this must be the before picture of the pool?  Or perhaps the pre-accessories,  I have to say, I prefer the pool area after the addition of the red bean bag furniture and the Soul sign. It gives all a bit more interest.   What do you think?

hotel cecilia garden design hotel austin texas
Image from Lioninoil.

pool at the st cecilia hotel autin texas
Image source unknown. (is it yours? – email me if it is…)

This might be my favorite picture…that blue is one of my most favorite colors (I painted my wicker porch furniture this color) and I love how the chevron black and white tile goes right from the inside to the outside.

st cecelia hotel autsin texas

Image from Design Public.

hotel cecilia garden design hotel austin texas

Image from Lioninoil.

porch at st ceclia hotel austin texas

Image from Design Public.

This is a great effect, I immediately thought of koi in a pond.  Such a clever effect for an elevated porch.  It absolutely gives me the impression that the creator if this property is clever and full of surprises that I would enjoy checking out.


Image by Carolina Eclectic

fire pit at st cecilia hotel autsin texas

Image by Carolina Eclectic

A check at Tripadvisor gives the hotel rave reviews.  If you are interested in learning more, Carolina Eclectic has a few more great shots at her flickr site and blog.

  1. how it grows says:

    It looks like a pretty nice hotel although I’m not crazy about the bamboo. Alas, there is little hope of ever seeing something like this in my neck of the woods.

  2. bumfuzzled says:

    Cool digs…but they are a little too proud of themselves at $675 per night. Austin’s cool, not that cool.

  3. danielle shelton says:

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