
Smokehouse & Meat House Garden Inspiration

September 3, 2009

I am finding Smoke houses so inspiring today. I know – a little odd, but it is the collision of lots of ideas coming from other places.  My husband is determined to become an even greater gentleman farmer by adding some sort of smallish animal (like a pig or goat) to our little plot,  that can later be smoked in our (non-existent) smoke house, (he dreams),  we have been buying bacon from a local smoke house and it is fairly inconsistent, soooo great sometimes, and so NOT others…we think we can do better AND I came across this article over at DIY- Guides about how to build a smoker. It looks to be a pretty helpful piece about building a smoke house yourself.

outdoor garden building inspiration from smokehouses and meathouses

1. Smoke House, 2. South Carolina – 1996 (134-10), 3. Smoke House 02, 4. Smoke House, 5. Smoke House, 6. Smoke House, 7. Frying Pan Park 159, 8. The Carter House Plantation Office and Smoke House, 9. the old smoke house, 10. Betty’s garden from my front porch, 11. Smoke house #3, 12. A house for the smoke?!, 13. The smoke house, Carnton House, Franklin, Tennessee, 14. Jacob’s Ladder, 15. Shard Villa Ice House (c.1874) – north view, 16. Ye Old Smoke House…(March 2008), 17. salmon in the smoke house, 18. Smoke house, 19. Orford Smoke house, 20. South Carolina Smoke House – IMG_5704, 21. Smoke House at the farm

Having completed the chicken coop earlier this year, I am feeling like another building is not such a huge project (I forget the pain).  It’s just that I find little buildings with chimneys and no windows set away from the house to be perfect garden destinations.   For me their charm lies in high level of usfuness relative to their size.  They seem like such important little buildings, unlike a play house or a folly, these are little work horse buildings.  The implements and accessories are interesting too.  Meat hooks, burners, rugged tables, ladders, open beams for hanging stuff and silvered wood is all part of the style.   What do you think? Does this inspire you?

  1. michelle d. says:

    Extremely unappealing .
    The amount of pollution that billows into the air is extraordinarily unhealthful.
    For more information about the dire environmental effects of wood smoke pollution see this link:

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