
Patrick Dougherty

November 16, 2009

Patrick Doughrty close ties sculpture

Patrick Dougherty’s stick structures are captivating landscape art created from basic building materials (sticks).

sortie de cave patrick doughtery installation

patrick doughtery spinoffs sculpture installation

I learned about Patrick when I posted about Where the Wild Things Are and my friend Susan tweeted how she thought the fort in the movie was similar to his work.  I think she has a point….certainly the set designers took inspiration from Patrick.  I wish he would come design and build a fort for me…..

patrick doughtery just around the corner sculpture installation

patrick doughtery just around the corner sculpture installation

patrick doughtery cell division sculpture installation

call of the wild patrick doughtery sculpture installation

The pitchers in the water and Cell Division pieces above are my favorites.  I love how they soften the lines of the architecture and how the architecture seems to make the sculptures more breathtaking.

trail heads by patrick dougherty

Which is your favorite piece? Patrick is offering a catalog of his work for sale at his website.  It would make a lovely holiday gift.

  1. how it grows says:

    I love his work!

  2. Sheila H says:

    My favorite piece is the one against the trees – I love how it blends in. I would put stairs and a second floor so you could take advantage of the second level views but I don’t think it’s structural feasible. It would be fun to play, dream, and sing!

  3. Sheila H says:

    I just found out via the website, Patrick will be in MN next May! I hope to watch him build his exhibit. If he takes volunteers, I’ll be there!

  4. says:

    The first look like Ireland.
    Where is he from?
    I like the pitchers and the wall against the trees.
    Thanks for sharing that treat.

  5. I had the distinct privilege of working with Patrick on an installation a couple of years ago. Nicest guy you’d ever want to spent time working with. See this post:

    And these:

  6. jess says:

    I love the third one – it looks like the spire on the building is evolving and morphing into the hut on the ground. I believe this was installed at the DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Massachusetts a few years ago (no longer there, unfortunately).

  7. Helen says:

    I love all of his work, but if I have to choose, OK, the pitchers and the sort of leaning bottle shaped pieces.

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