
String Gardens

November 11, 2009

string gardens hanging gardens art installation

I have to say I don’t get it, I am not sure why, and I don’t know what the point is, but I am completely intrigued.  I came across the string gardens of Fedor (don’t ask me who or what that is, because I simply don’t know) by way of Lisa Town’s Blog.

string gardens


I am afraid I haven’t been able to turn up any more information than Lisa did about who or what is behind this website and these garden displays.  Is it an experiment? Maybe it is an art installation?  Some sort of container less environmental plant project?  I don’t know, what do you think?

string garden fedor

string gardens

I am attracted to the natural balance these balls seem to maintain as they grow.  It is interesting and sculptural that the lily (above) doesn’t fall over backwards.



The string garden website has another feature that I would love for you to see.  I’m afraid my technical limitations do not allow me to have it here, so you are going to have to make the short trip to the string gardens website….and checkout this interesting video of plants moving to music.  The whole thing captures the moments and the feeling I love to have pottering around in the garden in the summer.  It’s like the mood and reason for my whole career kind of wrapped up in a sweet video (except for the part with the dead rat)…it’s really awesome – check it out.

  1. how it grows says:

    I wonder if they really balance naturally, or maybe there is a weight hidden within the rootballs…

  2. Katie says:

    How do they get those balls of dirt to stay together? netting? I can’t tell. they are awesome!

  3. Elinor Mavor says:

    Whatever it is, it is a totally intriguing garden, and does rival art installations for magical beauty with a touch of mystery.

  4. dana says:

    Kokedama… found in Japan
    but I love the work of string garden ( I’m a fan on facebook )
    ciao dana

  5. Oonafey says:

    I love it! It is beautiful!

  6. fedor says:

    Dear Rochelle, thank you very much for posting images of string gardens.
    I really like what you write about the video 🙂
    thanks again

  7. Roberta says:

    I really LOVED the idea, but browsing their website looking for information (uselessly!) was annoying!
    I wish there was more info!

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