
Happy Cinco de Mayo (flower style)

May 5, 2010

rosa rose conco de mayo

While I am not really a huge rose fan, I do love the the color of Rose Cinco de Mayo…rust and smoke along with hints of orange and lavender…how many flowers can you describe like that?   Are you doing anything special for the holiday? — I am allowing my children to have nachos for dinner.  Oh, we are so excited.

  1. janet says:

    I must get my hands on some of these!

  2. Dawn Isaac says:

    Gorgeous – never seen that one before.

    Nachos, Schmachos – mine are having fish fingers and chips!

  3. Louise says:

    Margaritas, of course freah and limey – everything else is secondary….
    Another nice feature about this cinco de mayo rose is its open structure, making it easier for the little pollinators to get in there and do their thing.

  4. Barbara says:

    Wow! Great shot. The color is gorgeous. I swore no more roses this year, but…

  5. Katie says:

    LOVE the color!

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