
Daily Garden: The Garden Diva’s Garden

July 5, 2010

I am still slightly obsessing over those street light lamps from a week or so ago.  I thought you might be interested to see the rest of the interesting garden that is the home of the Garden Diva herself.

Sorry to miss posting on Friday….and today is going to be lite too….(between the trauma of  coffee spilled on my mac and that I am hosting a BBQ this evening – I am struggling — please say a little prayer to the apple gods that the electronics will work once they dry-out….)

  1. Michelle D. says:

    I remember when this garden was published in Fine Gardening Magazine and I thought it had some very interesting and creative ideas.
    Thanks for bringing it to our attention again.
    Michelle in Marin

  2. Wow! Nice installations, or is it more garden ideas? Anyway, I do like them a lot. Have a pleasent week!

  3. Laura Crocket says:

    Hey, that’s MY garden ! look at me, I’m on studio G !! woo hoo !

    thanks for the positive comments, you should see my new remodel- better yet get out here to Oregon and visit !

    comming up is a nice spotlight feature in Better Homes and Gardens mag. in Nov. 2010.
    love this site of yours-
    the “Diva”

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