
In The Garden With: Dawn Isaac of Little Green Fingers

I love these introductions….the are having the effect of making me feel that my friends are even more interesting and fun than I ever knew.  Here is Dawn Isaac of Little Green Fingers.

“I can down a pint of lager in under 5 seconds, I used to cox a men’s 8 boat on the Thames – full of bankers who I was legitimately allowed to yell at and they had to obey me, for some reason I own Michael Caine’s old radiator, as a child I once fed my entire family Bergenia crumble having mistaken the stems for a spindly rhubarb, I read history at Cambridge and have since bitterly disappointed my tutors by consuming nothing more challenging than the odd Phillipa Gregory novel, I spent 7 years at an all girl’s Quaker boarding school and lived to tell the tale, I once did a voiceover for a Norwegian furniture advert…..”  (perfect.)

rhubarb forcing pots from dawn isaac little green fingers
My Favorite things: Dawn Isaac

Rhubarb forcing pots – for completely shallow and aesthetic reasons rather than due to any true veg growing principles.

euphorbia characas wolfeniiEuphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii – my favorite plant because it’s fantastically architectural all year round, self-seeds in a polite and restrained manner and brings in huge dollops of fresh and zingy green flowers that scream ‘spring.

euphorbia characas wolfenii

Outdoor chandeliers for their unadulterated glamour.

What do you do to find inspiration?

Go on long journeys with no reading material. When sheer boredom is the only other option, I find I come up with my best ideas.

Best Garden or Design Advice Ever (Given or Received)?

If you have a trampoline – sink it to ground level – it’s slightly safer and a whole lot less ugly!

ground level trampoline sunken

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