
DIY: Grow your own Chair

August 10, 2010

Growing Furniture is not a new concept, though I find this one particularly interesting.  I read about it on dornob, and it is a bit short on actual DIY details, but I think that it would be fairly easy to re-construct Michel Bussien’s Growing Chair design with some perspex or Plexiglas.  And when the chair is finished growing, the frame can be kept or removed….though I kind of like the idea of keeping it. What do you think?

diy grwoing chair michel bussian deign garden furniture

All of these living furniture ideas (of which I have seen many over the years)  I think need to be created with the idea that they are more about a message and design challenge or artistic endeavor than truly usable and practical furniture.   Michel Bussien has his own Nature Manifesto that accompanies the idea behind this chair.

Having evolved from nature, we have gradually differentiated ourselves from it. Modern society has come to build itself on the perception that nature and man are separated. This differentiation has come to inhibit us and our way of creating. We have now reached the point when the way forward is going back.

We have to accept that we and everything we create are part of nature.
This mindset is essential for evolution as a whole. When applying this to our way of thinking we will liberate ourselves from stagnated conventions.

To move further we need to incorporate the living matter that surrounds us. Let us use the complexity of living nature and include it in our creations. These creations will then redefine the way we reconstruct nature. Only then will we truly move forward.

It is time for man and nature to reunite.

– Michel Bussien

diy growing chair michel bussian deign garden furniture

Read more: Michel Bussien’s Growing Chair is Deep-Seated in Nature | Inhabitat – Green Design Will Save the World

  1. Awesome. I’ll take a set of six.

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