
In the Garden With: Fundera Gront

August 9, 2010

Good Morning (or now afternoon as the day has flown by out of control)!  I have another Favorite Things post for you.   I had planned for this series to be wrapping up last week, but I have a few people who are still getting me their additions, so I will post them as they arrive.   I am just back in Massachusetts from California (though still on vacation through next week).  I am all discombobulated and a little jet-lagged, and happy to have a few friends help me get back into the swing.  So I introduce to you Nanna Bylund of Sweden whose blog Fundera Gront is a treasure trove of beautiful and inspiring garden images.   Nanna is a Swedish writer that is studying to be a gardener/garden designer and will finish schooling in October. She lives in Gothenburg, and doesn’t have a garden on her own but does garden two small balcony and one allotment plot.

My Favorite Things: Nanna Bylund

school garden

I love my allotment plot.

I am fig tree-nerd. I just collect them, cant help it. Right know I don’t have so many of them, only 11, a lot died when I moved this winter. They are small, I have most of them in my kitchen window. I take cuttings when I am abroad and have them as holiday memories.
nannas watering can images

I also love watering cans and like to photograph them. And I am a cabbage-photographer… 🙂
cabbage image

My favorite book right now is Utypiske haver til et typehus, 39 haveplaner (C. Th. Sörensen).
One of my favorite gardens is Mandelmanns in Rörum, in the south of Sweden. A paradise.
mandelmanns garden sweden

What do you do to find inspiration?

I find inspiration in books, photographs, films… in the nature.

Best Garden or Design Advice Ever (Given or Received)?
Sow seeds and have fun!

  1. Joanna says:

    Sweet! Du är min favorite!

  2. Beautiful, and a nice mix!

  3. dana says:

    OHHH I love the pictures of Fundera gront!!!
    my daily inspiration!

    ciao dana

  4. This garden design looks great

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