
Roundup – Hanging Garden Seats

August 18, 2010

Hanging garden seats are a perfect way to add a vertical element to a garden — particularly if you can actually suspend one from a tree or other garden structure (rather than simply buying the base and plopping it into a design).  In my own backyard, I have an oak tree with a perfect branch — in a couple years.  I am researching on how to tell if your tree branch will be able to take the weight of a swing.  I am sure that different tree varieties will hold better than others and certainly the diameter of the branch must be taken into account.  Seems like their ought to be a table somewhere to help a person to know if it would work before damaging anything. Know of anything like this?

I have rounded up a variety of hanging garden seats.  They are top to bottom in price (some cheap and some very expensive) and where available easily I have included the pricing.   I hope you find this useful.

round up of hanging garden chairs

And don’t forget — one of my all time favorite hanging garden seats….the pink fermob balancelle chair that I featured last spring.

From top left, found at Minor Details, Now at Home, Amazon. $89.99, The Garden Gift Box, Archiexpo, Acrylic Bubble from LA Furniture Store. $1199, Raw Studio, , Steve Myburgh metal garden work, Target. $59.99, Anthropologie, Buy $777.59, Instructables DIY Pallet hanging chair.,Patricia Urquiloa

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