
Seed Storage Supplies: 8 Great Sources

October 5, 2010

The most cost effective way of starting off your garden next year is by saving the seeds from this year.  Right now is the time when you can head outside and pluck (for free!) the beginnings of another great season.  Storing seeds in an organized fashion can be tricky, but with the right supplies, you can build your garden for less money and help the environment by maintaining biodiversity, and if you are planting heirloom seeds, you will keep rare strains going for generations to come. 

Seed Savers Exchange has a great write up on their website about why it is important to save seeds as well as how to do it.  So once you read that, and you are ready to head out in the garden — here are eight great places to purchase seed storage supplies.

safety seed storage

1. There are a great variety of cost efficient and perfect sized envelopes for seed storage at the Envelope Specialist.

seed jar container roundup

2. These are all (except for the little bag with the white strip that is perfect for writing on) from Specialty bottle.

3. The little bag with the white writing strip is from Store Supply Warehouse.  If you must go with regular plastic, which with all these lovely choices, I am a not sure why you would, I found similar little baggies at Gold Coast Packaging for those who live in Australia.

biodegradable seed pouches

4. Keeping Green, perhaps you might try these Biodegradable resealable seed bags from Bio Green Solutions.

burgon and ball seed pouches

burgon and ball seed box

5. Burgon and Ball is a new online favorite haunt of mine.  Here you can find these great pre-printed kraft paper envelopes as well as this box for organizing everything.

magpie paper seed pouches

6. Magpie paper works offers this great print and fold yourself packaging.

DIY erin vale seed pouches

7. Erin Vale is a super talented graphic designer and she has two options…print and fold your own templates (above) on her blog as well as some that she prints for you available through her etsy site. (below)  (these are bign used as wedding party favors, but you can print what you like, or perhaps nothing and just fill in the variety by hand.

erin vale seed pouches

erin vale seed pouches

Above is another Erin Vale DIY template project that uses scrapbook paper.

8. And finally, for those who want to go it on their own and have more choices than I can possibly show here….take a peek over at Blossom Swap for a plethora of print your own templates for seed packets.

  1. odile says:

    a good source of inspiration. It is nice !

  2. Roberta says:

    I’m s sucker for packaging. Thanks for sharing the seed saving jars, tins and envelopes. It would be hard to choose between them. I’m on my way to check out the Burgon & Ball link next!

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