
Daily Garden: Christophe Ponceau’s Paris Show Garden

November 8, 2010

christophe ponceaus garden

photo Alain Delavie

The Terrace Apartments Decoration, Designed by Christophe Ponceau, for the Tuileries Jardin Jardin show in June 2010, photo Alain Delavie.

With the theme “Inventing the urban nature” designers for the 2010 Jardin jardin show in Paris created Spaces in paris to display innovation and mark trends in urban gardens.   I quite enjoy the way the chairs are set so formally but are also surrounded by the planting — it all has a very regal effect. And I am not sure I would tend towards green furniture for the garden...I generally like a bit more color…but this works for me.  What do you think?  Do you like green furniture in the Garden?

christophe ponceau garden

– oh – and you might ask — where would you get a chair like those in this garden….well I found that too…(not exactly — I am working on it – but close) — it seems there might be a trend here for this kind of furniture…

This woven chair is from Aprro.

woven garden chair

  1. Leslie says:

    I love those chairs, they remind of something out of a Dr. Seuss book. They’d be really spectacular in some other bright colors.

  2. S@sha says:

    They’ve had that exact chair at Anthropologie for this year. It’s called the “Shadowy Chair,” . They have different colorways too.

  3. rochelle says:

    Thanks S@aha and Amelia — of course anthro has them — they have all cool things….I have to remind myself to check their website because these boston stores don’t carry all the same stuff as elsewhere.

  4. Art O says:

    i believe the color is paris green. the best thing about it is that the more you use it, the more it disappears into the landscape

  5. Halley's Mommy says:

    Am I the only person here who loves these chairs but does not love them in this garden? They go well beyond just being a focal point… I barely look at the plants, the ground, the relation to the sky. The chairs are more architecture than garden furniture, I think.

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