
Nogg – Modern Chicken House Sculpture

Nogg chicken house

I think I forgot to mention …. we have chickens now!! Yes, in addition to our Royal Palm turkeys, we now have 8 teenage chickens.  We think they are all girls, but suspect that Bones might be a boy — time will tell. (other names for our new crew ….Scoob, dooby, Daphne, Precious, Glinda, Chloe, and Mutmee). There are 4 of us, so we each got to pick 2 names. Can you guess who picked what?

My garden shed was converted to the henhouse (at least part of it) — but had I not had this available, I think I would be coveting this modern chicken house called the Nogg.  It is handcrafted by in the UK, and is a modern chicken coop that looks more like sculpture.

Designed to encourage domestic farming, the coop is made from cedar wood, which is fresh scented and naturally antibacterial. It  features stainless steel trimming, locks & fasteners and an elevated glass dome. What chicken wouldn’t want to live here?

nogg chicken house

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  1. michael says:

    Great garden/terrace resource you’ve got here!
    All the best,

  2. Annia says:

    This is the cutest chicken coop I’ve seen.

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