
Before & After: Plant Paradise Border

January 13, 2011

before and after perrenial garden border install

Bare patch of dirt to glorious overflowing flowers is such a classic perfect garden makeover.  Is this not what most every gardener dreams of achieving?  Lorraine at Plant Paradise country Gardens in Ontario, Canada and her nursery team put together this beautiful blue border.

before and after perrenial garden border install

Plant Paradise is in zone 5 (just like me!) and I find endless encouragement in their ability to create such a lush and full border.  I think I need to get my hands on some of those icy blue Delphinium!

before and after perennial garden border install

before and after perennial garden border install

  1. Gorgeous! I wish my Persicaria polymorpha were this happy.

  2. Thank you Rochelle for including our before and after photos of one of the many gardens at Plant Paradise. We have heavy clay soil in these beds and they were thoroughly amended before planting. The hardy Delphinium elatums (Zone 3) we grow from seed. We purchase the New Millennium variety of Delphinium elatums from the New Zealand hybridizer, Terry Dowdeswell.

  3. Thank you for sharing these pictures. They are sublime. We appreciate them because flower borders are not easy to photograph and even harder to find online.

  4. andrew says:

    guess they don’t have deer
    deer just love juicy delphinium’s
    Garden looks amazing

  5. We actually have herds of deer on our 24 acre country property, but we use either Plantskydd or Bobbex to stop the deer from eating any of the plants in our perennial display gardens.
    We spray early spring on the tulips and then twice more through the growing season on other plants.
    This keeps them at a distance and away from our prized gardens.
    We never have any destruction from deer when we use these products.
    Hope this helps.

  6. lauren says:

    Hi there, just wondering when the after picture was taken, same season? following season? Beautiful garden!

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