Tripping around the internet, looking for something else entirely, I came across (I think) a Brazilian home and garden site. Instantly, I was hooked in with what is a garden style that I think is completely fresh and exciting. I would love to see some of the details of these gardens outside Brazil’s South American borders (like in my own backyard!).
The yellow tile on the outdoor kitchen is so completely cool. I am thinking of builidng a woodfired pizza oven in my own garden and this certainly has me thinking of facing it in a pop retro – rustic colored tile.
I use google translate when I end up on foreign sites…but sometimes I am not sure what to make of the translation….here is the brazilian wording related to these images :
Aposte na chita. Sabe aquele tecido florido e de cores fortes e alegres? É a chita! Abuse dele em detalhes e crie um ambiente alto-astral.
Which translates to this:
Bet on the cheetah. You know that flowery fabric and bright colors and cheerful? Is the cheetah! Abuse it in detail and create an upbeat environment.
Yes, apparently this is called Cheetah (I think) — and I plan to start using it. Viva Cheetah style!
The essence of this style seems to be the use of rustic details (like the persistent silver barn wood). Bright exciting fabrics (where can I get those!!) and a casual way of putting it together than makes it all seem like it was done with love and time.
I am looking over this collection again and again though, because I am trying to distill what else makes this look work. What do you see as key elements here?
all images from revista casa e jardim
i’m going to study this closely, too, because i absolutely love it, and would love to replicate some of it’s playfulness, and lushness, and freshness, anywhere possible! that outdoor kitchen–grrrrrowlll like a cheetah!!
i agree with Laguna Dirt. Viva el cheetah style !!!!
I wanted the sculpted table…