
Garden Gallery: American Horticulture Society’s Music Garden

January 5, 2011

New for 2011 – no more ‘Daily Garden’ feature.  Since it wasn’t daily, it was starting to seem like lying.  So now I will simply have the Garden Gallery every Wednesday.  I will share as many inspiring gardens as I can find that week, whatever that number is.  Now, I can stop feeling bad about the name.

river farm AHS garden La Pierre studio

The first of today’s gardens was designed by La Pierre Studio.  River Farm is the HQ for the American Horticultural Society.  The inspirations I take from this are the simple planting, the great details of stones in the path (must figure out how that was done), the logs (which I am not sure of their purpose but I like them, casual seating maybe?) and finally — the whole idea of creating a place in the garden where musicians can perform.  Beautiful.

AHS river farm garden


  1. Very lovely! A wonderful place to hear music! I love the flow of the path too.

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