
Garden Party Hats

January 31, 2011

Mr. Studio ‘g’ and I are thinking about throwing a little shindig, perhaps on valentines weekend.  We are still deciding – primarily because we don’t want to have just any old boring party where everyone gets a babysitter and sits around our house having too many cocktails (not that any good party wouldn’t also entail all that), its just that I need it to have some good intention, vibe or amusement, (I shy from word ‘theme’)….and I’m hitting a creative wall at the moment.

I am of the mind that if it can’t be good I won’t have it.  (I don’t know, perhaps I put too much pressure on these things…your suggested ideas are wholeheartedly accepted).  Casting about with a party in mind, I came across something that while not exactly what I was thinking for my gathering, is perfect for a summer celebration.  I’m filing it away for mardi gras, summer birthdays, and general garden gatherings.

glory b hats

The hats can come pre-made or you can buy kits to make your own.  This kind of thing is right up my daughters alley and I can envision a hat making birthday in the future.  My favorite part thought is all the lovely greenery, flowers and the earthy, found-object charm.  Find out more and see more styles at Glory B hats.

glory b hats

glory b hats

glory b hats

glory b hats

  1. Michele Pappas says:

    O.M.G. I want to make hats!

  2. Studio 'g' says:

    BTW – I made about 500 typos in this post (oops, hit ‘publish’ a moment too soon)….if that type of thing totally annoys you, click through to the actual studio ‘g’ site, where I think I have corrected most of them.

  3. Laura W says:

    A few years ago my best friend’s mother was thrown a surprise birthday party that I was lucky enough to be invited to. Held in February, semi-formal dress was required and in lieu of gifts, guests gave individual performances for the birthday girl – singing, acting, poetry reading, story telling. It was unforgettable. And every winter since then I swear I’m going to throw some kind of spectacular mid-winter shindig. It really is just what the doctor ordered at this time of year. Do it!

    The hats are awesome too.

  4. Delphine says:

    super cute idea… merci Rochelle !

  5. Laguna Dirt says:

    those hats are art pieces!! great ideas!

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