
Superblue’s Honeycomb Fence & a DIY Potting Shed

January 25, 2011

honey comb fence by superblue

Design collective Superblue first developed this fence feature for a Chelsea show garden but now, you can buy them (even in the US and Russia).   Lined up or used individually they create a wall that allows little glimpses of the other side as well as provide an amazing night feature.

honeycomb art fence

honeycomb fence night feature garden potting shed

Interestingly, and in a stroke of re-use genius, the honeycomb shed was developed.  The shed was initially designed as a container to transport the Honeycomb Fence panels to a site. The shed uses toggle clips to fasten all the sides together or can be collapsed to box up three fence panels at one time, and placed onto a pallet. Unpacked the whole thing can become a clever potting shed garden feature.

  1. Susan aka Miss R says:

    Love this. It can work in so many situations.

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