
The Blackbirds Nest by Diana Stevens

January 18, 2011

Sometimes when you take a closer looks at something, the true nature of a beautiful piece of art can simply take your breath away.

blackbirds nest diana Stevens

Certainly this beautifully textural image of a blackbird’s nest is an interesting and striking piece, but on closer inspection, you see that it is really a stunning mosaic of stone, bark, wood and (amazingly) eggshells.  It really does take my breath away.

diana stevens mosiac blackbirds nest

The mosaic is by Diana Stevens and it is the central piece of decoration (measuring 41″ x 77″) at the Blackbird Kitchen in Bozeman Montana.

blackbirds nest mosaic blackbird kitchen bozeman mt

Thanks Meredith for sending it to me!!

  1. Jenn says:

    Wow. Thank you for finding this.

    Amazing. Work.

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