
Hedgerow Planting Inspiration

February 1, 2011

Right about 9:15 this morning, I lost it.  That was when I went from happily enjoying this particularly snowy season to being a snow grouch.  I am all done.  I drove my kids to school on treacherous roads, but realized when I got there that if I dropped them off, I would not be able to retrieve them.  So we returned home together, superintendent of schools be damned.  While technically, we are home, the car is at the bottom of my (very long) driveway, stuck in a snow bank that formed up with the snow that fell in the roughly 30 minutes that I was away.  The only thing that is soothing my jangled nerves is planning some planting.

hedgerow planting inspiration board
1. Common Wild Rose or Nootka Rose, 2. Nevena Uzurov – Seasons magic, 3. Ribes, 4. Red currants, 5. Gooseberries, 6. Raspberry Himbeere Pflanze Plant Fruit Berries Beeren, 7. Blue Sky ~ Bokeh and Catkins !, 8. elderberries, 9. Hawthorn Berries (01)

I am very interested in planting english style hedgerows.  I am going to put some runs in, here on my own property, this summer and am interested to figure out how the cost per foot will pan out (especially as compared to split rail fencing), how long they will take before they are mature enough to be a considerable border and what will work in my own sunny and shady environments.

What is in a typical Hedgerow?  Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Hazel, Currants, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Wild Roses….to name a few.

  1. Maggie Cymbala Green says:

    your blog is the perfect tonic to this day. keep me hoping for relief Rochelle!

  2. louise says:

    we are definitely snow stuk…but have you noticed the longer days- yay!
    I love the wild rosa virginana – its easy to find and very low maintenance. I was moderately successful planting a row of Prunus spinosa- Blackthorn, which provideds great forage for birds and traditionally harvested for walking sticks in Ireland. The Czech name is the same as a client of mine so we tried a row.
    Only 2 of the 10 survived- too small for the care (or lack of) they received. Oikos was the source- check out their offerings for bare root shrubs. Or look at New England Wetland plants in Amherst
    Hang in there.

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