
Freak Out!

March 22, 2011

I am so ridiculously distracted today.  Normally by 11:45am I have a least a couple posts done, my kitchen put back together from the morning scramble and probably a few phone calls and a couple errands completed.  But today, I am in the midst of a writers crisis.

Normally, at this hour, I am shaking because I have had about 3 giant cups of coffee but today, I am still drinking the cold dregs of cuppa #1.   Yet my hands quiver as if I was experienceing my normal caffeine high.

Why you ask?

Tomorrow is my first day as a columnist over on Apartment Therapy. (I loooove that world ‘columnist‘) There, unlike here, what I say, will be read by millions.  So what do I say? I have the beginnings figured out and need to fill it out as a complete piece.  This is so stressful!! I know I am putting undue pressure on myself, but I just can’t help it.  I am crossing my fingers that sometime around 10:00pm tonight I don’t freakishly decide that it is all no good and make myself start over.

I don’t do all-nighters well.

Anyway, I have like five posts for you today, but can’t seem to make myself focus on them long enough to hit publish.  I will get to them just as soon as I pull myself together and start to feel really good about this AT thing.

In the mean time, lets make a date to meet over at Apartment Therapy every Wednesday at 1:30 ET.  My column is going to be called  ‘The Gardenist’, it would make me feel great to see some familiar faces (I mean avatars /internet monkers. 😉 )

  1. rosekraft says:

    You’ll do fine – your blog entries here are already Apartment Therapy caliber.

  2. p bargar says:

    You can do it, you can do it!
    Getting the shakes and fizzing over with nerves is… ok.

    If you weren’t taking this so seriously THEN you’d have issues.
    AT should fit right into your groove. there’s some really nifty quirky unique stuff posted there!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    We love you and they will too.

  4. laguna dirt says:

    you are so funny! and you must be a real writer if you are freaking out. that’s what writers do! writing is HARD! but you are going to be great!!! just don’t try too too hard and be yourself! maybe get out and take a walk to shake those jitters.

  5. rochelle says:

    thanks Guys!! now to get some stuff done here….;)

  6. incredimombo says:

    I am coming out of the bushes to tell you how excited I am! I love Apartment Therapy and I read them on occassion – you on the other hand, I wouldn’t miss – especially at this time of year. Now why does this remind me of an old Campfire Girls song, “make new friends, but keeeeep the old. One is silver and the other’s gold.” I see lots of silver and gold in your future. Congrats.

  7. Karen says:

    Congratulations! That’s fantastic. Good luck to you! ~ karen

  8. greenwords says:

    Exciting news! Is there an RSS feed specifically for your column on AT? I tried to find it with no luck!

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